Do I need College? Education?

One question most people struggle with when starting their careers is, “Do I need to go to college?” The answer isn’t quite so simple as it most people make it seem. Not only is this a deeply personal question, it comes with a massive time and financial commitment if you choose to do-so.

On the other hand, “Do I need education?” is an entirely different issue. A lot of people have it stuck in their heads that it college = education. This is simply not only untrue, but also harmful. Education matters a whole lot, but not in the normal societal sense. I have seen many individuals who never went to college (or attended a couple classes, but never graduated) who are extremely capable, smart and well educated. College doesn’t make an individual.

You get what you put out. If you continue to educate yourself and read up on the newest advancements in your field, then you’re already most of the way there. The key is to always be learning and always be seeking out new knowledge. College is more of a “fast-track” to get a job than actual learning of knowledge. Almost everyone I know that attended a college or university says they barely remember 5% of what they were taught. The only thing that matters isn’t the teaching, it’s the piece of paper you get at the end that grants you entry into a career.

College is most definitely not an absolute necessity in our current world, but it can definitely help. I definitely do not want to discourage anyone from attending a college or university and obtaining any sort of degree. A Masters degree from an Ivy League school is absolutely an incredible achievement, but so is an Associates from a local college.

The point I’m trying to make is that it’s less of how you were educated and more of how you educate yourself. If you continue to take a learning-first approach and be willing to always absorb new information, then you will always succeed. Those you see around you who aren’t doing well and are falling behind in their careers, do any of them do continuous learning? Do they read relevant articles, seek out new knowledge and get into deep discussions with others about these topics? I’m willing to place a large bet they aren’t. Welcome to the secret of knowledge; where you will succeed.


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