Why I Am Passionate About Helping You

I am one of those individuals who have had to learn the hard way for everything. As a kid I never knew what I wanted or wanted to be “when I grew up”. I’ve always been indecisive.

I got a good education at a good college, nothing fancy, but I was a student in the Bachelor of Innovation which was a new type of Bachelor degree. Through major ups and downs in life, I have grown and learned what I am passionate about.

I started as a Research Assistant for a lab writing Computer Vision software at barely minimum wage, did a short stint as a flower delivery driver (which was actually more fun than it sounds) and then ultimately went to work for a Fortune 100 company. I started at the literal bottom and worked my way to a lead position making 6 figures after several promotions in just a few short years.

Along the way I have strived to bring others up along with me. I believe that success is not individual and that there are those who deserve to be pulled up with you. I have made certain those individuals have been identified and boosted.

I have reached a point where I have understood my calling is to help others. I have always been the person whom people seek advice from since I was a child and continue to be passionate about helping others.

Career coaching is something I believe everyone can use no matter where you are in your journey. You can always use motivation and drive to seek out something more or to better yourself.